What does this mean? It seems like a tricky question.
Ok. I am going to add some context to this
question, by giving you an example of a scenario. When I am angry with someone
or a situation in my life, either in the present or a past situation that
continues to lurk in my present;
Or when I am sad or frustrated when things are not turning out
the way I planned.
These 3 emotions: Anger, Sadness, and Frustration, are negative
emotions, and thus possess a low vibration. Vibration is a nonverbal language,
hard to detect with the 5 senses, nonetheless extremely powerful.
When I carry anger in my system, it is like a cloud that
does not allow me to see the whole picture, I only see part of it (the negative
aspect of the person or the story) and it feels like I am trapped into
that scenario with no way out. I just feel miserable. When I carry anger in my
system, I vibrate with low energy.
Here comes my question, how fair is my judgment? So
far it seems I am only seeing the negative, and thus my judgment is not fair.
I could give a fairer outlook by allowing the good traits or
memories of the person we are angry with or situation that upsets us to shine
through. It is hard to find the positive when you are angry,
but you can do it. For example, if your dad neglected you, that would be the
negative aspect of your past, however, a positive aspect could be that he
showed his care by giving you some money to build your foundation so you can feel
safe and secure and can focus on creating your life.
And what happens is that when we are "truly fair" both,
with ourselves and with our judgments to others, we can forgive, let go of
those anger, sadness or frustration vibes that have been hunting us and do not depict
the whole truth, we let go of that negative field, clear our
energy so we can move forward with our lives and attract happier vibes.
The soul truth is that every person or
situation has both, its good and bad traits or outcomes.
When you are being truly fair, you are
also freeing your soul. By freeing your soul
from Ego traps, from past burdens, and from low energies, you are giving
yourself the opportunity of a new beginning.
Only you have the power to choose when
is the right time to let go of living your lives submerged in negativity. To be
"truly fair" is a process, and a process needs time, and when
you are able to reach that point when you feel ready, you will evolve into
this new refreshed person, one who is ready to move on to the next chapter of
their lives.
Yesterday, I watched the movie" The Glass Castle
“which gave me the inspiration to write this Blog. The main protagonist in the
movie was hunted by a terrible past which was continuously lurking into her
present life until it reached a point when she decided to cut off all ties with
the family members who still tormented her. In the end however, when her dad
was about to die, even though she was carrying so much misery and
anger within her, she was able to remember his positive traits (the
good side) and was able to forgive him and say her last goodbye.
It wasn't easy, a hard process indeed, but it paid off in the
end. The protagonist freed herself from her demons and her
tormented past; she evolved into a new happier version of herself.
You are welcome to leave your comments
When you GO WITHIN, you
by Daniela