Thursday, October 11, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Freedom is Seeing and Seeing is Freedom
The title looks like a game of words. It is in fact, in this game of words where we can find true meaning. Isn't life about Decoding?
There is always more to see when we decode. The challenge is to
see what is, which is completely
different than to see what we want to see. We are constantly deceiving ourselves when we see. Humans selectively see. Each person has its own filter when it comes to seeing. There is always more to see. The more we choose to see, or the more we are ready to see what is, then the more opportunities to grow and evolve as individuals we have.
different than to see what we want to see. We are constantly deceiving ourselves when we see. Humans selectively see. Each person has its own filter when it comes to seeing. There is always more to see. The more we choose to see, or the more we are ready to see what is, then the more opportunities to grow and evolve as individuals we have.
When you finally see, you can accept what is. It is as simple as that. Acceptance is a big word because acceptance is Freedom. People who are in Denial, are choosing not to see, in other words, they are seeing selectively. Perhaps, if they see what is, it would be too painful and might not know how to deal with a situation, so they prefer to live their lives in denial. However, living your life in denial is a trap. We don't want to see what is, our reality is too painful for us, so we stay in the same pattern, we go through the same disappointments, and nothing ever changes; there is no growth. It is the Big Trap ! Being Blind is a Big Trap, a dangerous trap of ongoing suffering.
When you are able to see, you can set yourself free.
You see the Truth, no matter how painful it is, you face it, you accept it, and then you can live your life in peace. You are now above the trap and out of your inner cage. It does not longer affect you.You might think, " it is easy to say it" . My answer to that is " well, you need to go through the process to be able to understand and own that liberating feeling". We are here, in this world to process; we are a work in process.
You can set yourself Free ; however, for this to happen there has to be a change; change on your side. Waiting for someone else, or a situation to change, would not set you free. You have to do the work, and only you can make that choice. It is empowering to choose to see what is.
How can you change? Question your believe system. Stop believing what you use to believe if you disagree, act different, maybe, say "no" if you feel so, practice living your life guilt-free, care more about yourself because you matter, set some boundaries. All these changes are liberating.
Boundaries can be very liberating, great Paradox! There is great movie called "Boundaries" . One character has a hard time setting healthy boundaries, so you can clearly see how she is continuously trapped in same pattern. Notice how two sisters with same father react different towards a same reality. One seems in peace, the other not. I would love to hear your thoughts !
One of the most difficult things to accept is coming to terms to the fact that the other might never change, which can be frustrating, but then you stop living your life in an illusion and stop waiting for something outside yourself to happen. But realizing this, is exactly what can set you free. You are now seeing. Seeing is a state of awareness. You became aware that you and only you can change.
You have the power to break a cycle, to break old patterns of repetitive disappointments; you have the power to say no more of this and more of something else. There is no more waiting or expecting a same result. No one can hurt you but yourself.
Being able to see is a blessing ! Not everyone can do it. Some people don't want to see. They prefer to stay in that comfort zone where nothing changes no matter how disappointing, frustrating and painful that might be. They prefer to complain to others and play victim. That's all they know. Seriously? I say "This is your Life, then you are gone. Nurture it. Love it !Be an example to others! "Victimhood" is an illusion ! Such place doesn't exist, stop recreating it.
One day my dad said to me " This is me, I don't want to change"
and I listened clearly. I chose to see the truth and accept what is.
Then, I felt a sense of freedom; I started to live my life guilt-free.
I would probably carry guilt if I would have chosen to wait for the other to change, continue the old pattern trap and live my life in denial. Denial of the Truth that was said to me.
I encourage you to live your life guilt-free, to practice self-love, to speak up for yourself, to set healthy boundaries, to accept what is, to practice self-respect
"I learned how to be free the moment I saw what is "
Wishing you well.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
How clear are your eyes when you look?
Hello, Dear Readers. I dare you to 'Go Within " in this topic, always with my best intentions to share with you. " How clear are your eyes when you look?" What exaclty this means? It is a tricky one I know, and I will try my best to make this topic as clear as I possibly ca Hello, Dear Readers. I dare you to 'Go Within " in this topic, always with my best intentions to share with you. " How clear are your eyes when you look?" What exaclty this means? It is a tricky one I know, and I will try my best to make this topic as clear as I possibly can.
You cannot take this question literally. I am not referring at the color or transparency of your eyes. To begin with, what does the word "clear or clarity " means ? Clarity as opposed to cloudy or foggy. With clarity you can see well. You can see everything. More important, you can see Truth, you can see beyond. Clear enough to show your soul essence, devoid of masks.
With Clarity, there is a clear energy, which clears our Aura. Pay special attention to the words in itallics, since they carry a deeper meaning. Bear with me, no need to jump into any conclusions nor judgements yet, just follow through for now.
Ask yourself how clear are your eyes when you look into your love ones and into other human beings you connect yourself with in your life. Notice that I've used the word "into"as opposed to "at".
Clarity of eyes is achieved when you are fully engaged with the person you are looking "into", you are fully present,with your mind, body and spirit. Clarity of eyes is achieved when you are connecting with another with an open heart, empathy and non- judgemental stand point. Looking while truly listening at the same time. I am talking about a True connection here.
"Our Eyes are Windows to our Souls ". When you look with clear eyes, it means you are able to look with your soul . You are connecting in a deeper level. This is the clarity of a shinning soul coming through. Its a brillance beyond words. A soul expressing itself through the eye windows.
A soul experiencing freedom. Freedom of expression. Very powerful !
Take a look at the following words : pretty eyes, clear eyes, empty eyes, hypnotic eyes, cautivating eyes, lifeless eyes. How would you describe beautiful eyes? What do You consider to be beautiful?Women, no matter how much make-up you wear, if your eyes are empty or lifeless, they can't ever be pretty. The most beautiful eyes carry a brillance beyond words,These are hypnotical eyes. Have you ever noticed eyes that are "pretty", but at the same time lack life or truth ?; and then others that carry this particular " intensity"or "radiance"hard to describe and just know they carry "real beauty"? Liveness gives beauty, freedom gives beauty. These are eyes with integrity, fearless loving eyes.
I invite you to practise awareness; how clear are your eyes when you look? Take a real look at yourself now. Practise connecting with other human being, human to human, soul to soul, with awareness.
Let go of competitive eyes, envy looks, threatenings stares, angry looks, etc, they all carry negative energy, these are not the language of the soul, they are governed by other forces.
When you catch yourself being under this influence, STOP !right away, it is an opportunity for you to switch mode and to swtich vibes. Another way of approaching this, is to think as if you are surrounding yourself with bad energy and clogging your own aura. Ask yourself, "Do I need this kind of energy in my life?"You have the power to align with your true nature. Soften that look, Stop the judgement, get in touch with your heart and fill your eyes with love and compassion.
What you project to others is what comes back to you. Project light and light will come back to you.
It is that simple. Love another, and love will come back to you. With envy looks, misery will continue in your life. It is always your choice.
In essence, your eyes are clearer when your intentions are good, when you can show your true nature, your soul essence, with no more masks or pretense, no longer need to pretend you are someone you are not,or to try to be happy when you are feeling sad, instead, because it shows in your eyes, and then, they won't shine, they will get cloudy and loose their clarity. Clear eyes are achieved when you are comfortable with yourself, you own your heart, and you don't need to hide any longer, no matter what. Clear eyes are achieved when you love yourself. Clear eyes are achieved when you reveal your human essence. Clear eyes are achieved when you are happy with exacltly the way you are, in other words, you practise self-acceptance.
When there is beauty in your eyes, there is beauty in your soul, and you can see straight through since there is nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of any longer; you have reached at this point a level of self-acceptance (you can accept the things you like and don't like about yourself and you are at peace with that). You feel free to connect with people with your true essence.
Clear eyes are contagious. You want to look more into them. They are magnetic and powerful because they are filled with good energy and pure light. Some enlightened beings have created miracles with their powerful gaze. One of them is the Croatian Bracco among others; his gaze equals a powerful beam of pure light coming through their eyes, capable of healing.
A couple of days ago, I watched a movie which I highly recommend " Victoria and Abdul", where I found a perfect example of "clear eyes connection". Two people from completely different backgrounds, cultures, skin color and social class, make that pure soul connection. This true story took place in the Victorian era, a very strick period, with little freedom and lots of judgements.
It all started with this first powerful look, beyond words, a deeper connection... and after this episode nothing else mattered to the Queen. With all the society pressure bugging her, yet she was able to breakthrough. She felt something more powerful, a craving from her heart, which started with this first clear look. Abdul, the servant, was given his only command, "Do not look into the queen eyes",
and what happenned after that is magical, beyond words...
I would like to have your comments after you watched the movie.
Clear eyes translate into " I am pure, I am clear, I am perfect the way I am, I am, I am proud to show you my true self.
You cannot take this question literally. I am not referring at the color or transparency of your eyes. To begin with, what does the word "clear or clarity " means ? Clarity as opposed to cloudy or foggy. With clarity you can see well. You can see everything. More important, you can see Truth, you can see beyond. Clear enough to show your soul essence, devoid of masks.
With Clarity, there is a clear energy, which clears our Aura. Pay special attention to the words in itallics, since they carry a deeper meaning. Bear with me, no need to jump into any conclusions nor judgements yet, just follow through for now.
Ask yourself how clear are your eyes when you look into your love ones and into other human beings you connect yourself with in your life. Notice that I've used the word "into"as opposed to "at".
Clarity of eyes is achieved when you are fully engaged with the person you are looking "into", you are fully present,with your mind, body and spirit. Clarity of eyes is achieved when you are connecting with another with an open heart, empathy and non- judgemental stand point. Looking while truly listening at the same time. I am talking about a True connection here.
"Our Eyes are Windows to our Souls ". When you look with clear eyes, it means you are able to look with your soul . You are connecting in a deeper level. This is the clarity of a shinning soul coming through. Its a brillance beyond words. A soul expressing itself through the eye windows.
A soul experiencing freedom. Freedom of expression. Very powerful !
Take a look at the following words : pretty eyes, clear eyes, empty eyes, hypnotic eyes, cautivating eyes, lifeless eyes. How would you describe beautiful eyes? What do You consider to be beautiful?Women, no matter how much make-up you wear, if your eyes are empty or lifeless, they can't ever be pretty. The most beautiful eyes carry a brillance beyond words,These are hypnotical eyes. Have you ever noticed eyes that are "pretty", but at the same time lack life or truth ?; and then others that carry this particular " intensity"or "radiance"hard to describe and just know they carry "real beauty"? Liveness gives beauty, freedom gives beauty. These are eyes with integrity, fearless loving eyes.
I invite you to practise awareness; how clear are your eyes when you look? Take a real look at yourself now. Practise connecting with other human being, human to human, soul to soul, with awareness.
Let go of competitive eyes, envy looks, threatenings stares, angry looks, etc, they all carry negative energy, these are not the language of the soul, they are governed by other forces.
When you catch yourself being under this influence, STOP !right away, it is an opportunity for you to switch mode and to swtich vibes. Another way of approaching this, is to think as if you are surrounding yourself with bad energy and clogging your own aura. Ask yourself, "Do I need this kind of energy in my life?"You have the power to align with your true nature. Soften that look, Stop the judgement, get in touch with your heart and fill your eyes with love and compassion.
What you project to others is what comes back to you. Project light and light will come back to you.
It is that simple. Love another, and love will come back to you. With envy looks, misery will continue in your life. It is always your choice.
In essence, your eyes are clearer when your intentions are good, when you can show your true nature, your soul essence, with no more masks or pretense, no longer need to pretend you are someone you are not,or to try to be happy when you are feeling sad, instead, because it shows in your eyes, and then, they won't shine, they will get cloudy and loose their clarity. Clear eyes are achieved when you are comfortable with yourself, you own your heart, and you don't need to hide any longer, no matter what. Clear eyes are achieved when you love yourself. Clear eyes are achieved when you reveal your human essence. Clear eyes are achieved when you are happy with exacltly the way you are, in other words, you practise self-acceptance.
When there is beauty in your eyes, there is beauty in your soul, and you can see straight through since there is nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of any longer; you have reached at this point a level of self-acceptance (you can accept the things you like and don't like about yourself and you are at peace with that). You feel free to connect with people with your true essence.
Clear eyes are contagious. You want to look more into them. They are magnetic and powerful because they are filled with good energy and pure light. Some enlightened beings have created miracles with their powerful gaze. One of them is the Croatian Bracco among others; his gaze equals a powerful beam of pure light coming through their eyes, capable of healing.
A couple of days ago, I watched a movie which I highly recommend " Victoria and Abdul", where I found a perfect example of "clear eyes connection". Two people from completely different backgrounds, cultures, skin color and social class, make that pure soul connection. This true story took place in the Victorian era, a very strick period, with little freedom and lots of judgements.
It all started with this first powerful look, beyond words, a deeper connection... and after this episode nothing else mattered to the Queen. With all the society pressure bugging her, yet she was able to breakthrough. She felt something more powerful, a craving from her heart, which started with this first clear look. Abdul, the servant, was given his only command, "Do not look into the queen eyes",
and what happenned after that is magical, beyond words...
I would like to have your comments after you watched the movie.
Clear eyes translate into " I am pure, I am clear, I am perfect the way I am, I am, I am proud to show you my true self.
by Daniela
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